HomeHow they metJournalPicturesGift RegistryGiftsWish List

Amy has asked me to post a "wish list" to make it easier for those who wish to buy something for the baby, so that's what I did.  This should print out a bit easier to read than the list from Wal-Mart Gift Registry.


Baby Wipes

Diaper Cream

Onsies (all sizes) Diapers (all sizes)
Car Seat Bunting Sleepers (all sizes)
Sleep Sack (wearable blanket for the crib) Socks (all sizes)
Nightgowns with Drawstring Bottoms (0-3 months) Winter Hat
Waterproof Crib Pads Crib Sheets
Diaper Bag Bouncy chair
Swing Activity center (for laying on the back on the floor)
Boppy (nursing Pillow) Infant tub
Hooded Towels Bath wash, shampoo, oil and lotions
Diaper Cloths Ear Thermometer
Petroleum Jelly Baby Sunscreen
Tub Seat Bibs (the kind that pull over the head,)


This web site created and maintained by Sheri, the soon-to-be very proud Grandma.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please email me at sheri_shanks@insightbb.com